Customize to meet the needs of your family.

  • Morning Extended Care

    We are thrilled to offer an extended day for children enrolled in our infant through pre-kindergarten classes. Children may add on enrollment from 7:00-9:00 A.M. The additional cost for these services includes attending for your enrolled hours on school holidays (excluding major holidays).

    Morning extended care can be added with our without afternoon extended care. When chosen, AM care is added for all 9-2 days enrolled.

  • CDO and Preschool

    Choose what days to attend from 9:00 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Children’s Day Out is for our infants and ones. Parents choose any number of days to enroll from 1-5 and which days to enroll. Preschool is for our two year olds through five year olds. Schedule options include 2 days (Tuesday, Thursday), 3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), or all 5 days (Monday through Friday).

  • Afternoon Extended Care

    We are thrilled to offer an extended day for children enrolled in our infant through pre-kindergarten classes. Children may enroll from 2:00-6:00 P.M.. The additional cost for these services includes attending for your enrolled hours on school holidays (excluding major holidays). Our extended day staff is made up of caring, experienced teachers who seek to provide a home-away-from-home for the children enrolled.

    Afternoon extended care can be added with our without morning extended care. When chosen, PM care is added for all 9-2 days enrolled.

Three Annual Options For Your Family

  • Full Year Option

    For families that will enroll year round, the Weekday Program offers a monthly year-round option. The enrollment schedule must stay consistent from summer to academic year. This is only available during spring pre-enrollment until July.

  • Summer Camp

    The Weekday Program offers a summer program for all ages. This is ideal for those who are teachers and are home for the summer, for families who plan to take a long vacation, and for families who are looking for activity for their children during the summer break. For infants through preschool, we have 5 2-week sessions. For those entering Kindergarten and schoolage students, we offer weekly enrollment.

  • Academic Year

    For families that do not need year round care or want to have a time off during the summer, we offer academic year only enrollment. This runs from early August to late May and mirrors the Plano ISD calendar. All families who enroll in or after July will be enrolled in the Academic Year. May Bridge Days between the school year and summer programs is not included in the academic enrollment.