Preschool Threes & Fours
Threes turning Four
Preschool classes for three year olds (by September 1 of the school year) are offered Tuesday/Thursday, Monday/Wednesday/Friday, and Monday-Friday from 9:00-2:00. Preschool for three-year-olds is planned as a bridge to Pre-kindergarten. Preschool is play-based, but enrollees have exposure to emergent literacy activities and early number skills through the High/Scope curriculum. An additional emphasis is placed on functioning in a group, social and emotional adjustment, and language development. Classes include 10 students and 1 teacher.
Fours turning Five
Prekindergarten is designed to promote school readiness. Pre-Kindergarten also uses the High/Scope curriculum. This curriculum is teacher adjusted according to developmental readiness of each child and class. Children engage in phonemic awareness activities, writing, and simple math activities. While preparing four and five-year olds for school, Pre-kindergarten continues to be center based with many hands-on, play-based activities. Classes include 12 students and 1 teacher.
We use a secure app, Brightwheel, to send updates to you throughout the day. We’ll share information about experiences during the week through pictures, video, and curriculum updates. Parents, teachers, and administrators can direct message throughout the day enhancing home-school communication.