School Age


Kindergarten - 7th grade

My Friends' Place is after school programming for children in Kindergarten-Seventh Grade. Transportation is provided each afternoon from local elementary and middle schools (call to see if we pick up from your school). Depending on need and availability we will consider other schools within a 5 mile radius of FUMC Plano.

We currently serve: 

  • Plano ISD: Barron, Dooley, Forman, Hickey, McCall, Meadows,  Memorial

  • Allen ISD: none at this time, call for requests

  • Wylie ISD: none at this time, call for requests

Each day, enrollees enjoy a healthy snack and may participate in a supervised homework time. In addition, outdoor recreation is provided (weather permitting) and indoor gym recreation. Children also have the opportunity to participate in games and creative activities. My Friends' Place is designed to offer a safe, fun, Christian, after school alternative. On school days, My Friends' Place is open until 6 P.M. On school holidays and during the summer My Friends' Place is open from 7:00-6:00 P.M. Tuition for the school year includes the cost of full-day care on school holidays if we are open.

First, we allow free choice of activities and mixed age groups thorugh the afternoon.  Children who need active time right after school, can choose that.  Those that want to get homework done right away, can choose that.  Children who are hungry go straight to snack and socializing after a structured day at school.  Our students love to have choice in what they do each day. 

Activity Rooms

In addition to our Art Studio and Construction Room, we have dedicated Homework and Snack Rooms each afternooon.

In both the art and construction rooms, teachers are planning and or curating activities rooted in open ended, experiential learning. In addition to this commitment to an open-ended environment, we are working to provide activities that will help develop tactile skills while at the same time allowing the children to develop their own creative language.

In the Art Studio, we are putting an emphasis on painting, weaving and origami this fall along with our open ended art projects suggested and executed by our students.

In the Construction Room, children are given ample room and time with varied building materials such as Legos, Keva Planks, and any number of block toys that we have collected over the years. We also have a day that is dedicated to using loose parts and fasteners that the children use to create freely.

The Homework Room will serve as a quiet area for children to study independently, read or receive tutoring and supplemental work in areas where they are needing assistance. We provide opportunities for our older children to learn strategy and problem-solving games, which place emphasis on communication and cooperation. Examples of these games include Settlers of Catan, Azul, and Pandemic.

The Snack Room provides an opportunity for the children to eat and socialize at their pace. We continue to put an emphasis on serving fresh fruits and vegetables as well as promote healthy eating practices by introducing the children to new ways of serving and preparing these fruits and vegetables that make them a bit more palatable. In addition to snack, the room offers opportunities for the children to learn table games such as dominoes, connect 4 and any number of card games that are learned in the early elementary years.

Gross Motor Areas

We use the gym for gross motor time to begin the year, mainly due to the high temperatures in the afternoon. We are able to provide a number of different activities while playing in the gym thanks to a steady accumulation of materials over the years. Each afternoon, we provide areas where the children can play a (self) organized game of soccer or basketball, work on drawings they may have started in the art room, and construct structures and tools using blocks and materials that vary greatly in type and size. We are hoping to re-introduce field hockey later in the year.

We spend more time outside as the weather cools down. We continue to offer outdoor art activities such as sidewalk chalk and sidewalk chalk paint. We also have a highly popular dirt kitchen area which is a clear benefit to the children’s creative development. 


Our monthly rate includes all break days that we are open from 7-6:30 at no additional cost.  

Our Difference

We use a secure app, Brightwheel, for check in and out and updates. We’ll share information with parents about experiences through pictures and video. Parents, teachers, and administrators can direct message throughout the day enhancing home-school communication.

Would you like to see more?
Contact us for a tour!