Summer Options
Infants, Toddlers, Preschool
The FUMC Plano Weekday Program summer camp for infants, toddlers, and preschool mirrors the academic year. The curriculum is lighter and more like a summer camp during the school year. Children are promoted to the age level in June that lines up with the September 1st deadline. Parents can choose full-year enrollment from June to May when their schedule will remain the same and they would like consistent monthly tuition payments. Parents can also choose to do our two-week camp sessions. Five sessions are offered with separate enrollment options. Payment is scheduled to be due the Friday before the session starts. All summer schedules must be finalized by May 1st.
The Weekday Program uses the HighScope Curriculum to teach to all areas of development through eight main content areas (approaches to learning, social and emotional development, physical development and health, language, literacy and communication, mathematics, creative arts, science and technology and social studies). While learning in these content areas prepares children for later schooling, HighScope uses a non-traditional process by applying methods that promote independence, curiosity, decision making, cooperation, persistence, creativity and problem solving. Our curriculum is also differentiated according to developmental readiness of each child and class.
KinderCamp is tailored to the developmental needs of children who are making the transition from Pre-K to Kindergarten. In the mornings, KinderCampers will participate in on-site activities that slowly introduce independence skills. Afternoons throughout the summer are spent with elementary aged students participating in activities that encourage development and growth through exploratory play. On site field trips will be every Wednesday.
Summer Breakaway Camp
Summer Breakaway Camp is a child-centered vacation from the everyday classroom experience which includes a hands-on project approach for the children to explore their real-world interests with the creativity and guidance of experienced summer staff. Activities include art, science, indoor/outdoor play, cooking, reading, and lots of fun! Field trips are on Tuesdays and Thursdays with swimming each Friday. The field trip schedule will be available in May.
We use a secure app, Brightwheel, to send updates to you throughout the day. We’ll share information about experiences during the week through pictures, video, and curriculum updates. Parents, teachers, and administrators can direct message throughout the day enhancing home-school communication.