Parent Teacher Committee
Supporting the Weekday Program through teacher appreciation, school events, and supplying needs.
Upcoming Events
Next PTC meeting: April 11, 8:00 P.M.
Email fumcweekdayptc@gmail.com for Zoom link
Download the full calendar HERE
April 5 - Graduation Pictures
TBD - Playdate in the Park
April 11 - PTC Meeting
May 6-9 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 9 - PTC Meeting
May 10 - Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
May 10 - Year End Jam
May 22 - PreK Graduation & Last day of 2023-24 School Year
What is the PTC all about? Find out more.
PTC Committee Members
President: Brandi Blaylock
Vice President: Sarah Marrone
Volunteer Coordinator: Yared Schroeder
Communications Chair: Katy Black
Join our great team of dedicated family members!
The PTC mission is to provide great events for the families to connect and provide the wonder Weekday Program teacher events to show the parent’s appreciation.
Open Positions
Attends monthly PTC meetings and takes notes at the meeting, sends out minutes after each meeting and requests board reports before each meeting
Keeps track of all PTC money transactions, deposits funds, writes needed checks, and provides a monthly report of how much money is in PTC account
Organizes and sets up quarterly (minimum) teacher appreciation events such as luncheons or “special treat” days (bring in frozen drinks, snacks, donuts, etc)
Help raise funds and collect items for the PTC to help with events, silent auctions, scholarships, and other expenses.
Toy Give & Take Community
Consider repurposing any items your kiddos don't play with anymore to Weekday Program to help educate, enrich, and entertain in a new setting. Take a picture and include a description of any gently used toys that you (the parent/family member) would like to GIVE to the school. Teachers will review all of the donations and comment "TAKE".